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lomo exhibition ape ituw lomo??lomography emphasizes on casual snapshot photographyade mcm2 characteristic sbnrnye such asover-saturated, off-kilter exposures, blurring, alternative film processingfisheye pon ade jugeade camera lomo yang boley amek 4 gamba skali gusade y record 4 step by stepbasically, lomo nih mmg fun photographyart sungguh piccas y di snapaltho dlm fotoshop pon boley buat skng nehh*hikhik*camera lomo y terdapat kat pasaran skang areHolga, Actionsampler, Frogeye, Oktomat, Pop-9, Fisheye, Colorsplash Flash, F-stop Bang n etcbyk sebenarnyeklu u all na beli or na cek out this type of what i wud call "entertainment"sbb lomo cams neh digelar toycamerau can go to either concept shops ie. Rooms or Foliomesti ade. u all gi tgk ye!but i wud say, mende neh mahal lahcoz ade special film, na cuci lagi, mhl kanbaek la gune camera digital biasa or in my case SLRthen masuk Lightroom & Photoshopgune action jeww. haha. senang keje kitena download actions plak bley cek out kat mencube!!
contoh dr Fisheye y telah dicompile kan
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