saye ade kawan, gurl lahh. kami kawan dr kecik smpai skang n she's my neighbour. well, the thing is, around September kot, she told me that her 7 years sweetheart, whom had brokeup with her thrice, na bertunang dgn die. da hantar parents to discuss n all. she was happy that finally she will marry her first love. the engagement was schedule to be somewhere in Dec. so, i never heard from her until recently after Hari Raya. her father whom is my dad's officemate oso, tell ayah yang engagement tu xjadi sbb dat guy xna. ade perselisihan faham sbb both of them dun agree bout 1 small matter. he broke her off 2 3 days before eid. bengong dat guy! alah, diff human being mesti ade diff views about thing. nme pon manusia kott. to pujuk her, her parents will be taking her n her brother to Bandung. dowg are on the way to LCCT the minute i wrote this. da 3 months, tp still she cries n cries.
The things is this, mase 3 kali breakup dlu, penah this guy bagi alasan bangang: TERLAMPAU BANYAK TANGGUNGJAWAB, SO KENE LEPASKAN SALAH SATU. (sounds very familiar. hah!) eleyh, banyak tanggungjawab MY ASS!! n dpt tw from his fwens, rupenye dat guy ade inner conflict. kene jmpe counselor n undergo therapy. basically, this guy is not rite in the head. note to self n all: klu ade lahh mamat ckp cmni, bia aje die blahh, sbb die bukan terlampau byk tanggungjawab, tp org y xna tanggungjawab n takde tanggungjawab. ye lah, cube pikir balik. senang2 je lepas tanggungjawab sbb xna masalah. kire nye cam no balls lahh. habes tuw nnt, bile da kawen, katelah dwet xcukup bulan tuw, recession pulak, habes tu na tinggal je anak bini mati kebulur??? jgn pulak die bagi alasan, "klu da kawen laen!". xde nye. pale hotak die laen. klu da itu sifat die, itu lah smpai mampos. sbb tu la jadi kes husband tinggalkan family. this is the start. lagi satu, sbb die xbtol, buatnye satu mlm, die cekik kite mse tgh tido, xpasal je. org gile mcm2 boley bwat maaa!
kepade lelaki2 di luar sane yang rase2 ade masalah dgn TANGGUNGJAWAB, well then, u r not yet a man. still a baby who needs mommy around. jadi jgn gatal2 na ade GF sbb pompuan2 neh xsanggup na jage baby lagi. not until they're married to a gentleman. PLS TAKE NOTE!
p/s: selamat ke Bandung. send my warmest regards to Teddy C yach!