Fif is getting married next weekend
i noe u all are wondering whos this Fif rite?
well, shes my cousin
her name is Fithrahana
we call her either Fifi or Ana
so lets just call her Fif for now aitte...
well, it will be held at her house in Taman TAR
(will post the piccas once ive taken it)
the theme is MAROON
bought for us the maroon kaen n all. da hantar tailor pon
now da siap n me doing beading for mine n moms
simple2 aje, for now. haha
BTW, me bukak biz baru, that is bwat beading
can tempah, harga, negotiable
just gimme ur design or i can design for u
any inquiries, call

still working on it...

finally, siap la me punye n mama punye setengah... c:
wowiiee.chantek banget najwa jahit manikss tuww.
ehe.ley blaja ngn najwa neh! hehe
tgk contoh2 y ditempah aje
theres a tips tw
but nnt kite talk in private lahh
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