
My Hero. MUST SEE!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Gloomy Sunday (Szomoru Vasarnap)- was written in 1933. Melody and original lyrics by Rezso Seress, self-taught pianist and composer born in Hungary in 1899. Its a song about crushing hopelessness of a brokenhearted lover, which characterized by the two stanzas penned by a poet Laszlo Javor. When the song came to public attention, it was widely known as the Hungarian Suicide Song because there were reports of people taking their lives after listening to the haunting melody, or that the lyrics had been left with their last letters. Lyricist have translated the song into English and to alleviate the pessimistic tone some put in additional stanzas to give the song a dreamy twist. It was Sam M. Lewis's version of the song that was first recorded by Hal Kemp and his orchestras with Bob Allen on the vocals. Despite being banned from the playlist of major radio broadcasters around the world (too depressing for the airwaves), Gloomy Sunday continued to be recorded and sold. People continued to buy the recordings, some committed suicide. Seress jumped to his death from his flats in 1968.

here, i provide some lyrics of the famous Gloomy Sunday song for your entertainment. BTW, my fav is Lewis's.

Reszo Seress Lyrics
Ősz van és peregnek a sárgult levelek
Meghalt a földön az emberi szeretet
Bánatos könnyekkel zokog az öszi szél
Szívem már új tavaszt nem vár és nem remél
Hiába sírok és hiába szenvedek
Szívtelen rosszak és kapzsik az emberek...

Meghalt a szeretet!

Vége a világnak, vége a reménynek
Városok pusztulnak, srapnelek zenélnek
Emberek vérétől piros a tarka rét
Halottak fekszenek az úton szerteszét
Még egyszer elmondom csendben az imámat:
Uram, az emberek gyarlók és hibáznak...

Vége a világnak!

It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...

Love has died!

The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out, shrapnel is making music
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...

The world has ended!

Sam M. Lewis Lyric
Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy is Sunday, with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles and prayers that are sad I know
Let them not weep let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream for in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you

Gloomy Sunday

Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart, here
Darling, I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you

Gloomy Sunday

p/s: the blogger will not be responsible if any incident occur after reading this entry. you can search for the song at Youtube!

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